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Cookbooks, Yoga Classes, Meditation Instruction, Practitioners, and much more.
As my dear friend and colleague Dr. Sarah Peterson says, "Healing is a team sport."
Please check back often - this list is always growing.
​Cookbooks & Recipes Online
Ayurvedic Recipes to Try at Home, Virtual Cookbook from The Ayurvedic Institute
Ayurvedic Cooking for Self-Healing, Dr. Vasant Lad, BAM&S, MASC
Chez Panisse Vegetables, by Alice Waters
Healing with Whole Foods, by Paul Pitchford
Phenomenal Yin and Yoga Unwindings with Melissa Spamer. Affordable rates for remote and local classes in Santa Fe, NM.
Live in Resonance - Remote, donation-based meditation instruction with a free virtual meditation group daily. Melody Mischke is a highly skilled, trauma-informed instructor.
Rachel Redmond - Functional Medicine, Chinese Medicine, and Ayurveda with Dr. Rachel Redmond, DOM.
Vital Center Wellness - Mindfulness Counseling and Yoga offered remotely and locally in Silverton, Oregon by Emmie Stamell.
Serenity Massage - Thai, Ayurvedic Massage, and Breast Cancer Survivor Massage with Rose Ortiz. Asheville, NC.
Books on Herbs & Holistic Medicine
Medicine at Your Feet: Healing Plants of the Hawaiian Kingdom - David Bruce Leonard, L. Ac.
The Science of Self Healing - Dr. Vasant Lad, BAMs
Teachers & Places to Study
Institute of Clinical Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine - Study Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Honolulu, Hawaii's Chinatown.
The Ayurvedic Institute Institute - Study Ayurveda in Asheville, NC with renowned teacher, Dr. Vasant Lad.
Earth Medicine Institute - Learn about Hawaiian Medicine & Wild Crafting
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